Enjoy Argyll with Sea Eagles, Otters and Dolphins


Kintyre is one of Europe's last great natural wild areas. Suleskerry overlooks the Small Ferry which runs from Claonaig to Lochranza on Arran (March to October).

Car Ferry runs from just below Suleskerry to Lochranza on Arran in Summer.

Car Ferry runs from just below Suleskerry to Lochranza on Arran in Summer.

The Distillery at Lochranza, Arran is just a 30 minute ferry ride away.

Our nearest Distillery at Lochranza, Arran is just 30 minute ferry ride away.

Our pair of White-Tailed Sea Eagles are often seen from Suleskerry. This photo by John Booth shows just how wonderful these Sea Eagles are.

Our pair of White-Tailed Sea Eagles are often seen from Suleskerry. This photo by John Booth shows just how wonderful these Sea Eagles are.

Local Fishing Port Tarbert 10 miles away. Local Haddock, Mussels, Prawns, Scallops and Monkfish.

Local Fishing Port Tarbert 10 miles away. Local Haddock, Mussels, Prawns, Scallops and Monkfish.